for today:
-Shine my sink... half check
-Keep my kitchen counters clean... check
-Work out... yeah not so much
-Replace an unhealthy habit with a better one (water bottle in fridge instead of swiping juice or soda)... check (for today)
-Bake a loaf of bread... almost check (it's in the oven, rising)
-Wash clothes (all the way to putting them away)... check
-Type 2009's Christmas letter... check
-Not freak out over crappy news... mostly check (I love my husband - he gets the credit for keeping me sane on this one :))
-Either find a way to move or embrace this place as "home" for the next 3 years... check in progress?
-Not clobber the dog... check :)
-Love my bitty family... double check!
So my goals might not be the same as anyone else's, but I'm getting there - so life is good :). And yes, 2009 IS the right year there - we're a bit behind!
Night :)
oh my...I love the 09 letter...we did super cute cards in 08 (the boy was in a stocking under the tree) with a sweet letter but 09 we did nothin' just didn't I'm thinking about going back and doing one too, lol. I love it!
The kicker was when I went through some drawers a couple weeks ago and came across stamped, sealed, and addressed thank-you cards... from graduation several years ago! I was afraid if I opened them they would never make it to the mail, so I just added extra postage and dropped them in the post! Better late than never, right...?
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