"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Sunday, December 26

Major Intervention: Day 1

We have a great dog.  She's driving me nuts.

Usually my husband takes her for periodic runs, hikes, and other high-energy adventures.  He's deployed.  Yay.

Most days, just making it to the point of showered, dressed, fed, and dog let out to go potty is quite the feat.  Our daughter's sleeping schedule is a mess, so that means mine is too.  We're all running on tired, stressed, and sick of Daddy not being home.

Our daughter's reaction is fussiness and a new conviction that she is the center of the universe and requiring of my full attention at all times.  My reaction is a shorter fuse and a lack of motivation and energy.  Our dog's reaction has been barking at sounds she can't identify (we live in an apartment, there are a LOT of unidentifiable sounds), jumping on and barking at visitors, and most recently growling at our daughter when our little one has come near the dog's food bowl.  That's a problem.  A big problem.  A big enough problem that without major intervention I think she's going to need a new home.

So.  Friday was Major Intervention: Day 1.  Major Intervention consists of:
  • Daily walks of at least 30 minutes.  These aren't just exercise walks, these are show-the-dog-who's-in-charge-through-consistent-discipline walks.  Think Dog Whisperer.
  • No more kicking her feet after she goes to the bathroom.  It's supposed to be a show of "I'm the boss" and help spread her scent, so nope, no go doggie.
  • Immediate redirection to her bed every time she barks, jumps, begs for attention, etc. until she cools it and is ready to focus on my instructions.
  • Eating only one time a day, while the baby is asleep.  If the dog doesn't eat within 30 minutes, the food gets put up.  If she's hungry she'll eat the next time food is offered (she's always been very good about self-regulating her food intake).
Once we get these elements in place we'll work in more tactics, but for now I think the most drastic changes in her behavior are going to be brought on by increased exercise and the constant reminder of who's in charge.  I know these are no-duh things, but the daily walks especially are really going to be a stretch for me.  Please wish us luck - we really need to see a major change in our dog's behavior!


Anonymous said...

good luck! Prayers it goes smoothly.

Milwife Mama of One said...

Thanks! So far we've seen some improvements... we still have a ways to go though (I'm reaaaaally not good about those daily walks). I think we need to get St. Francis in on this! :)