"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Sunday, February 20

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Our Little Bird turned ONE this week! Wow! Yikes! Phew! Amazing!

Daddy and I (yes, he's home! more on that later ;p) have been walking around in a bit of a daze, looking at each other and saying with no small wonder, "We have a daughter; she's one!"  It's a shock to the system I tell ya'.

She's been saving up, too.  Despite our valiant efforts to get our bird signing since day one, the most interest she's shown to date is a general look of what-on-earth-are-you-doing.  In the last week our toothless munchkin (yes, still zero chompers) has suddenly started signing MORE, ALL-DONE, and NIGHT-NIGHT consistently, with some MILK, MAMA, SHHH, and PLEASE tossed in randomly.  She's also started climbing in and out of her chairs by herself, asking us for food by walking to her chair and waiting, blowing kisses, waving bye-bye, and occassionally telling people "Hi!" in her tiny little voice.  What happened to our baby?!  When did this little toddler sprout up in her place?  When did rattles get traded in for toy trucks and colored pencils?

Little Bird (I've decided to dub her this on the blog because of her adorable habit of bouncing her head up and down like a baby bird when she's waiting for food) has the habit of breaking out with skills I had no idea she could do.  Like eating with a spoon.  By herself.  At 10 1/2 months.  After having been spoon-fed less than 5 times in her life.  Yeah.

I'm kindof afraid to see what she comes up with next - driving? Can I vote for doing the dishes?  How 'bout making the beds?  Hmm... should look into those :P.

Well, baby girl we are proud of you and we love you and we are so blessed to have you!  Happy 1st Birthday!


Brianna Renee said...

Oh. They grow up too fast. I can't believe she's already 1! It does seem to happen over night too, like one minute they're finally starting to be ticklish and it is the most amazing thing and the next it feels like they're outside playing with their friends...without you. It's really kind of sad...no more growing. That's it. They're done. Now.

Wife on the Roller Coaster said...

Happy birthday! They grow up too quickly. My son is about to turn 7, and I just don't know where the time went.

Thanks for the comment you left for me about report cards. And BTW, when I say report cards took me 5 hrs, that was only the transference of assessments from a spread sheet to the actual report card and comments. The testing took me 3 weeks! Thank goodness I have a good system. :)