"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Tuesday, June 7

And So It Begins

Our daughter is 15 months old.  She does not attend daycare.  She's had a whopping one small virus in her whole life, which consisted of a fever and runny nose.  She eats like a horse and meets or exceeds all the "milestones" for her age.  She's small but very healthy.

When Baby Bird was about 3 months old we became more aware of the vaccination controversy so I did what I always do, I started researching heavily so we could make our own informed decisions.  What we came up with is really a work in progress since vaccinations and available research change too.

In general, I'm not opposed to vaccines.  However, I AM opposed to some vaccines for our child.  Take chickenpox for instance.  Really?  A childhood disease that is relatively harmless if no other health conditions exist (which they currently do not) plus a vaccine that is mediocre at best means uuumm.... no.  We'd rather she just get the chickenpox thanks.

Enter the government.

The governmental powers that be have taken it upon themselves to require the chickenpox vaccine for all children who congregate.  Not just at school, mind you.  No, there is apparently a regulation that "requires" us to have our child "fully vaccinated" in order for her to enter a playroom run by the base's family readiness center.  It's not a daycare.  It's a room.  With a chance of other people being in it at the same time our daughter is.

I'm not even going to start on the other valid health risks of getting children together in one room, but I am not at all concerned about whether or not those kids are vaccinated.  The stuff I'm worried about our kid getting, she's protected against through vaccines or oh I don't know, washing our hands.  I would surmise the other parents have done the same for their children.  So where's the problem?

Well, for now the problem is ours.  I see no good reason our child cannot participate in this wonderful opportunity.  Now we have to convince the "powers" of the same thing.

Have any of you any experience with vaccination exemptions, especially overseas?

1 comment:

Brianna Renee said...

Good luck...we are the same way with vaccines...not against them in general but particular about which ones and how many at a time. Keep us updated on how this turns out