"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Monday, August 8

First Nurse-In

Is it silly that I'm ridiculously excited about attending my first nurse-in?

A mother nursing her child at our base's E-Club was asked to cover up or leave.  Hmm... yeah... you can't actually require a nursing woman to do either.

We're staging a simple, quiet nurse-in at the same location.  The idea is for people to come, eat lunch at the restaurant, nurse if they have a nursling, and show support with numbers.  We'll have a copy of the applicable federal laws on hand if anyone cares to ask.  T-shirts for the munchkins are in the works.  T-shirts will read:  "Anytime.  Anywhere.  Doing my part to normalize nursing in public."  They may not be the most creative t-shirts ever, but they'll hopefully get the point across.

Man, the things I never dreamed I'd be doing, much less enjoying!

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