"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Saturday, May 15

Why I'm here

Ok, so here's the deal.  I don't like to write.  I live in Japan.  Our baby girl is 3 months old.  I need a place to vent.  So.  Here I am :).  I'd be lying if I said I really don't care what other people think of this blog, but I'm not really writing it for other people, either.  I've enjoyed following a few blogs I've recently discovered, and each has provided me good food for thought.  Mostly I was amazed at the commaraderie and support available through the blogging community.  As a young, Catholic, cloth-diapering, homeschooling (okay, so she's still tiny but learning happens from before birth!), military wife living overseas it can be kindof challenging to find that kind of support in person.  I LOVE living overseas but it does have its drawbacks :P.  So THANK YOU to those of you who've bared your souls for people like me to read.  You've helped me feel connected, validated, and real.  Perhaps somewhere along the line another cluttered mind will stumble upon my blog and find something in it that helps him/her too :).  In the mean time I make no guarrantees of frequent or predictable posting or that the posts will even make sense.  Thanks and feel free to stop by, comment, ask questions, or whatever (just please be nice :) ).

God bless!


About Me and This Blog said...

I'll try to be nice...

welcome to the blogosphere

love your baby bro

Anonymous said...

Hey! So excited that you've started a blog! Mine isn't kept as current as I'd like, but nothing is right now so it's right up there with normal!

Love you guys!

Brianna Renee said...

Can't wait to read more...no pressure though...I blog for the same reason, sanity and it's worked out well for me so far