"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Friday, December 31

Goals: Step 1 - Make 'Em Visible

Goals have been posted on the fridge - it's hard to ignore something when it's looking at you every time you walk by!

2011 Goals

Not 2,011 goals!

I don't think I've ever written a list of New Year's resolutions... and these aren't resolutions persay (something about that word just asks for you to break them!).  The last several months I've been working on re-prioritizing and making healthier choices.  This list is a concrete extension of those changes, something tangible and attainable so I have something specific to look forward to and celebrate.  So, without further ado, my 2011 Goals:

  1. Daily Quiet Time with God
  2. Memorize 26 Scriptures (that's one every 2 weeks)
  3. Continue participating in First Place for Health for the entire year
  4. Use up fridge foods before buying new ones
  5. Do something "new" with our daughter every week (art, field trip, whatever will work that week)
  6. Build and follow a realistic daily routine (Fly Lady)
  7. Schedule computer time so it doesn't take over my life!
  8. Start training for a Marathon (walking 5 miles by June, 10 by December)
  9. Make all gifts homemade
I'm terrible about saying I'll do something then not following through (even though I really want to!) so I'm holding myself accountable to this blog as a goal-tracker.  Wish me luck!

Do you have any goals - big or little, silly or serious, realistic or out-of-this-world - that you'll be working on this year?

Thursday, December 30


In case you haven't already figured it out, we (and by that I mostly mean me) are on the chewy end of the "crunchy" crowd.  We're willing to try something new as long as it's a) affordable and b) not going to cause undue inconvenience.  Generally we prefer to make lifestyle choices that will benefit the earth and our bodies as opposed to causing harm (seeing as how our bodies ARE temples for God).  Sometimes convenience just plain wins out.  We're not perfect, but we're learning :).

So, the most current point of curiosity for me: using oil as a skin cleanser.  The general gist is your skin generates oil as a protectant and moisturizer.  The problem comes in when your skin's pores get clogged up with dirt, grime, bacteria, and "old" oil.  Oil dissolves oil (yay for science class!) so it should make a fine cleanser.
I've looked up a variety of sites and of course each has its own suggestions for oils and oil mixtures.  The most affordable/viable (yay for a BX that has limited selection!) option for me at this time is probably olive oil and castor oil (if I can find it).

Something tells me husband will think I'm nuts, but at this point he's pretty well used to it.  The running record has been as long as I'm willing to do the bulk of the experimenting and it's not going to cause him problems, then he's cool with whatever tangent I care to explore.  He even jumps on the bandwagon on occassion!  Hopefully I can get all the experimenting/kinks worked out before he gets home from deployment, then we can cross the bridge of getting him to try it.  I'll letcha' know how it goes!

Sunday, December 26

Major Intervention: Day 1

We have a great dog.  She's driving me nuts.

Usually my husband takes her for periodic runs, hikes, and other high-energy adventures.  He's deployed.  Yay.

Most days, just making it to the point of showered, dressed, fed, and dog let out to go potty is quite the feat.  Our daughter's sleeping schedule is a mess, so that means mine is too.  We're all running on tired, stressed, and sick of Daddy not being home.

Our daughter's reaction is fussiness and a new conviction that she is the center of the universe and requiring of my full attention at all times.  My reaction is a shorter fuse and a lack of motivation and energy.  Our dog's reaction has been barking at sounds she can't identify (we live in an apartment, there are a LOT of unidentifiable sounds), jumping on and barking at visitors, and most recently growling at our daughter when our little one has come near the dog's food bowl.  That's a problem.  A big problem.  A big enough problem that without major intervention I think she's going to need a new home.

So.  Friday was Major Intervention: Day 1.  Major Intervention consists of:
  • Daily walks of at least 30 minutes.  These aren't just exercise walks, these are show-the-dog-who's-in-charge-through-consistent-discipline walks.  Think Dog Whisperer.
  • No more kicking her feet after she goes to the bathroom.  It's supposed to be a show of "I'm the boss" and help spread her scent, so nope, no go doggie.
  • Immediate redirection to her bed every time she barks, jumps, begs for attention, etc. until she cools it and is ready to focus on my instructions.
  • Eating only one time a day, while the baby is asleep.  If the dog doesn't eat within 30 minutes, the food gets put up.  If she's hungry she'll eat the next time food is offered (she's always been very good about self-regulating her food intake).
Once we get these elements in place we'll work in more tactics, but for now I think the most drastic changes in her behavior are going to be brought on by increased exercise and the constant reminder of who's in charge.  I know these are no-duh things, but the daily walks especially are really going to be a stretch for me.  Please wish us luck - we really need to see a major change in our dog's behavior!

Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas

May this joyous season be filled with peace, grace, thanksgiving, and blessings for you and yours!

-Our Milfamily

Shoe Surprise

I love rediscovering things I didn't know I had!  Went to pick out my clothes this morning for Christmas Mass and found these gems in my drawer - who knew I had such cute shoes? :-)  (I am typically much more of a sneakers or socks kinda' gal)

Wednesday, December 22

I'm Melting

Our 10-month old baby girl has learned how to give hugs.  Those little arms wrapped so lovingly and trustingly around my neck.  My heart will soon be a puddle on the floor.

Is It Possible?

Heaven in a cup?  And without the nearly $5 price tag?  So going to try these tonight!


Christmas Peace and Waiting

I have something like 4 or 5 posts with one-line notes to myself sitting in my draft pile, waiting to be fleshed out and shared with the world; a pile more pop into my head only to get shoved out with more pressing matters such as diapers and dog food.

As I sit and type this post our beautiful baby girl is gently holding our dog's bone out to her so the dog can chew more comfortably (presumably that's the reason... right?).  Such a sweet picture :).

Christmas is only 3 days away but it doesn't even feel like we've made it past fall.  It doesn't feel like Advent, it doesn't feel like Christmas, it doesn't feel like much of anything really.  Daddy's been deployed for awhile now and we're all just in a holding pattern waiting for him to come home.  Our little girl is growing and learning by leaps and bounds, but there is little else to show time's passing.  I quit working outside of our home right before LO was born and Daddy's not on a schedule that affects us much - he doesn't come home for lunch at a specific time, he doesn't need to get up and out the door in the morning, he doesn't have workdays vs weekends that have any bearing on us.  We talk to him on Skype but not on a predictable schedule.  The only place we need to be at a specific time is Mass and even then we have choices on which Mass to attend.  It seems very much like we're just standing still, waiting to see what will happen next but only with a mild curiosity.

This isn't to say we haven't been doing anything.  On the contrary, we have craft projects and organization projects and furniture projects and Spouse Club projects spread from one end of the house to the other!  Several weeks ago I must have caught the craft bug because every time I turn around another project idea peeks around the corner and begs to be tried out.  It's been fun :).  I suppose that's one of the benefits of deployments - if all these projects were out while my husband were here he might have a conniption!

Regardless, it IS Christmas time and I think taking a break this year from all the bustle of getting ready for the holidays has left time and space in my heart and soul for more important things to grow.  We're not opening presents on Christmas day  (nor anytime soon for that matter) and I don't care one whit.  I haven't been very good about Advent decorations/visible preparations such as an Advent wreath or calendar, but I've been talking about the Christmas story with our daughter without feeling like I have to say anything about Santa and all the secular trappings of the season.  This Christmas preparation has been peaceful, calm, and pure.  I am looking forward to celebrating Mass with our daughter and just rejoicing in the joy of Christ's birth.  Perhaps God guided the timing of this deployment so we would have a chance to start off on the right foot as we celebrate our daughter's first Christmas - it's certainly setting the stage for much more peaceful Christmases in the future :).

Too Much "Little" Time!

You know you need a little more adult interaction when your friend comes over and you tell her, "Beep, beep!" when you get ready to open the oven.

You know you have a good friend when she doesn't even bat an eye :).

Friday, December 10

Complaining and I know it.

So feel free to stop reading right here.

My head hurts.  My mouth is dry.  I thought I was done being sick then ate lunch today and tummy went into spasms.  I have a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood in my living room.  It's a Christmas card that was supposed to be painted and up by the roadside by last night.  What a wonderful week to get sick.  Got to experience our first mama-puking-so-baby-please-keep-sleeping episode this week.  Brought on pregnancy flashbacks, not the happy kind.  I am so over this deployment it isn't even funny.  Time has completely gone out the window but right now it feels like time is crawling.  Nothing seems to go just right with hubby deployed but we've been doing just fine.  Done now though, thanks.  I'm tired.  Going back to bed.  It's only 2:55 in the afternoon.  Oh well, maybe baby will keep playing and not lock herself into the dog's crate this time (true story).

Saturday, December 4

Interactive Jesse Tree

Just found this online - a great way to celebrate Advent, especially if you don't have the space/time/creativity/fill-in-your-excuse-here to put up a Jesse tree of your own.  It's also great for those on the move - celebrating Advent via iPhone... who knew.  Yay for technology when it brings us something wonderful!

Click the tree or go to this website:  http://www.stfrancisparish.org.uk/advent.html

Jesus is coming!

To Sew or Not to Sew

My mom can whip out the most amazing clothes and creations without ever consulting a picture or pattern.  She made every special-occassion dress I can think of as I was growing up and she and my mother-in-law just collaborated on our daughter's christening gown.  It's breathtaking.  I love that Mom could share herself with me in such a special way.  I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm considering carrying on the tradition (at least to some extent) by making our daughter's Christmas dress this year.  I'm looking for a no-sew or easy-sew pattern or idea that will fit well over our baby girl's round little belly and fluffy cloth-diapered bum.  These little kimono dresses seem to fit the bill.  So what do you think?  Do you have any experience making clothes for little ones?  Any tips? Inspiration?  Feedback on styles?



How to Sew a Reversible Baby Dress with Open Back Printable PDF Pattern and Instructions newborn to 24 monthshttp://www.etsy.com/listing/60484998/how-to-sew-a-reversible-baby-dress-with

Kate Quinn Organics Long Sleeve Kimono Dress - 100% Organic Cottonhttp://www.bitsybirdie.com/servlet/the-16/super-soft-organic-cotton/Detail


REVERSIBLE Kimono DRESS- PDF PATTERN /  TUTORIAL-- SIZES 12/18m  to  4Thttp://www.etsy.com/listing/62271124/reversible-kimono-dress-pdf-pattern?ref=sr_gallery_7&ga_search_query=baby+kimono+dress&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title&filter%5B0%5D=handmade