"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Friday, December 31

2011 Goals

Not 2,011 goals!

I don't think I've ever written a list of New Year's resolutions... and these aren't resolutions persay (something about that word just asks for you to break them!).  The last several months I've been working on re-prioritizing and making healthier choices.  This list is a concrete extension of those changes, something tangible and attainable so I have something specific to look forward to and celebrate.  So, without further ado, my 2011 Goals:

  1. Daily Quiet Time with God
  2. Memorize 26 Scriptures (that's one every 2 weeks)
  3. Continue participating in First Place for Health for the entire year
  4. Use up fridge foods before buying new ones
  5. Do something "new" with our daughter every week (art, field trip, whatever will work that week)
  6. Build and follow a realistic daily routine (Fly Lady)
  7. Schedule computer time so it doesn't take over my life!
  8. Start training for a Marathon (walking 5 miles by June, 10 by December)
  9. Make all gifts homemade
I'm terrible about saying I'll do something then not following through (even though I really want to!) so I'm holding myself accountable to this blog as a goal-tracker.  Wish me luck!

Do you have any goals - big or little, silly or serious, realistic or out-of-this-world - that you'll be working on this year?

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