"God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." - 1 Jn 4:16

Sunday, July 4

Diaper Bag: Update

Yay for free stuff that rocks!

After many (way too many) hours searching the web and scouring the sparse selection at the BX, I gave up on trying to find the perfect diaper bag and just made one.  Note - I am NOT a seamstress.  I actually had to go through and watch some online video tutorials so I could run the sewing maching without killing anything...

So, long story short, here's the bag!

  • filled with sposies at the moment, but designed to fit up to 8 cloth dipes (so probably 4 cloth dipes plus change of clothes, toy etc. - enough for half a day out or so)
  • cell phone, small notepad, and pens are easy-access on the side :)
  • Wipes, bibs, paci, bags, and mama's stuff fit in the outside pockets so no rummaging in the bag for what we need
  • side pocket fits a water bottle or baby bottle - heck yeah!
  • 100% machine washable

Used an old pair of my husband's ABUs, a shirt I found free at Airman's Attic on base, and the strap from a bag I also found for free at Airman's Attic.  The only thing I bought was thread.  Wahoo!

Mission Accomplished :D


Anonymous said...

I love this bag!!! So cool! Great job mama!

Brianna Renee said...

so impressed. i really like it...the structure and general size remind me of the bag i use (which i so did not make)

Milwife Mama of One said...

thanks guys! It is totally living up to my hopes - we are loving it! (and yes, easily fits up to 6 cloth dipes in addition to clothes, flannel blanket, toy, etc. - heck yeah!